All Articles
Getting Started with PartFinder
App Limits
How do I subscribe to the app?
Manage Your Design
Manage Your Part Mappings
How Do You Use My Data?
What if I have a large amount of edits? Can I upload a change file?
What if I want to style the Widget further than I’m able to with the Design tool?
I’m not seeing the design changes I made and published. Why?
Add Widget to Your Storefront (Stencil)
Add Widget to Your Storefront (Blueprint)
I would like additional assistance customizing my ecommerce store. Can you help me?
About PartFinder
Adding Part Mappings Manually
Advanced Search Insights
Automated Export
Bulk Import Part Mappings
Can I have multiple product results for the same search criteria?
Design Tips & Tricks
Disallowed Characters
Fitment Capture Configuration
Fitment Capture Export
Fitment Capture Integrations
Fitment Capture Opportunities
Fitment Capture User Search/GDPR
How can I authorize another user?
How can I delete all my part mappings at once?
How can I have the shopper's search criteria reload?
How can I remove a user?
How do I change my subscription?
How do I edit or delete a single part mapping?
How do I uninstall the app?
How do I unsubscribe from the app?
How do I update my payment information?
How many fields can I use?
How to Add Embedded Widget into BigCommerce Blueprint Theme
How to Add Embedded Widget into BigCommerce Stencil Theme
How to Bulk Export Your Part Mappings
How to Configure Search Results
How to sort search results
Importing with Product SKU
Importing with Year Ranges
Manage Your Fields
Mapping to a Variant SKU
Search Mappings
Standard Search Insights
What are Search Insights?
What Can I Find on the Settings Tab?
What is Fitment Capture?
What is Fitment Match?
What is the Product Fitment Compatibility Chart?
Why aren't more people using PartFinder on my store?
Why does my Widget look different on my site than in the preview?
Why does the design look strange on my site?
Widget Design Terms