You can export your Part Mappings to a CSV file for backup, editing, or other purposes.

How to Create a Part Mappings Export File

  1. Log in to the PartFinder app
  2. Go to Settings > Mappings
  3. Click the Export Part Mappings button
  4. You mappings file will be generated in the background. Duration depends on how many mappings you have but general completes within a couple minutes.

How to Download an Export File

  1. Once your file is complete, it will appear in the Export Files section of the same page. If this is your first export, you may need to refresh the page.
  2. Click the "Click to Download" link to download the file to your local computer. 

Note: the download links are only valid for 2 minutes as a data security measure (your file is not publicly accessible except via this temporary link).