Would you like to have PartFinder remember your shopper's last search when they return to your site? There are four options for reloading search criteria:
- Default
- Do Not Reload
- Fitment Only
- Reload All Fields
To access these settings, go to the Manage Your Design page. At the bottom, under "Misc. Widget Settings," find the Reload Search Criteria? dropdown box and select the option you want. The choices are as follows:
The Default setting retains YMM (or its equivalent) plus one additional field if one or more exists. If all fields are reloaded, a search button will appear to trigger the search.
Do Not Reload
No fields are reloaded on next search.
Fitment Only
This setting retains only YMM criteria, no matter how many other fields there are. If all fields are reloaded, a search button will appear to trigger the search.
Reload all Fields
This setting reloads all fields selected on next search, and a search button will appear to trigger the search.